
The Powerful Influence of Mythology on Modern Literature: 7 Intriguing Examples

These seven examples demonstrate how authors have masterfully woven elements of mythology into their stories, creating unforgettable works that engage readers on a deeply emotional level.

Have you ever wondered why myths continue to captivate us, even in our modern, scientifically-driven world? Mythology, in all its forms, has had a profound impact on literature throughout the ages. These ancient stories have woven their way into the fabric of our lives, shaping our understanding of the human experience. In this article, we’ll explore seven examples of modern literature heavily influenced by mythology, illustrating how these stories continue to inspire and engage readers.

1. The Harry Potter Series

Who hasn’t heard of Harry Potter and his magical adventures at Hogwarts? J.K. Rowling’s best-selling series has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. But did you know that the story is deeply rooted in mythology?

The Hero’s Journey

The Harry Potter series follows the classic Hero’s Journey, a narrative pattern found in many myths. Harry, a seemingly ordinary boy, is called to adventure and discovers his true identity as a wizard. Along the way, he faces trials, makes friends and enemies, and ultimately confronts the dark force threatening his world.

Elements of Greek Mythology

Rowling also borrows elements from Greek mythology, such as the centaurs and the three-headed dog, Fluffy, reminiscent of Cerberus, the guardian of the Underworld. This blending of mythology and fantasy creates a rich and enchanting world for readers to explore.

2. American Gods

Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods” tells the story of Shadow, an ex-convict, who becomes embroiled in a conflict between old and new gods. The novel cleverly intertwines various mythologies with contemporary American culture.

Merging Mythologies

In “American Gods,” Gaiman merges mythologies from around the world, including Norse, Egyptian, African, and Native American. These ancient deities struggle to survive in a modern world that has largely forgotten them, competing for power and relevance with new gods representing modern obsessions, such as technology and media.

Commentary on Modern Society

Gaiman’s novel offers a fascinating commentary on the role of mythology in modern society, exploring how we continue to create and worship our own gods and questioning the nature of belief itself.

3. The Percy Jackson Series

Rick Riordan’s “Percordan’s “Percy Jackson” series reimagines Greek mythology for a modern audience, following the adventures of Percy, a demigod, and son of Poseidon, as he battles monsters and gods alike.

Retelling Greek Myths

Riordan masterfully weaves ancient Greek myths into a contemporary setting, creating a world where gods and heroes walk among us, and mythical creatures lurk in the shadows. The series pays homage to these timeless tales while adapting them for a new generation, igniting a passion for mythology in young readers.

Modern Interpretations

The “Percy Jackson” series also offers fresh perspectives on well-known myths, exploring themes of identity, heroism, and the importance of friendship. The books demonstrate how mythology can provide valuable lessons for our own lives, even in today’s fast-paced, technological world.

4. The Lord of the Rings

J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy has captivated readers for decades with its richly detailed world and intricate mythology. While Tolkien drew inspiration from various mythological sources, the influence of Norse mythology is particularly evident.

Norse Mythology Influences

Tolkien’s world of Middle-earth is steeped in Norse mythological elements, from the creation story and cosmology to the heroic adventures of its characters. The fearsome dragon, Smaug, resembles the serpent Jörmungandr, and Gandalf’s character is reminiscent of Odin, the Norse god of wisdom and war.

Epic Narrative

Tolkien’s sweeping narrative, with its themes of heroism, sacrifice, and the eternal struggle between good and evil, echoes the grand sagas of Norse mythology. By incorporating these mythic elements, Tolkien crafted a timeless tale that resonates with readers on a deeply emotional level.

5. The Hunger Games

Suzanne Collins’ dystopian “The Hunger Games” trilogy draws on both Greek and Roman mythology to create a gripping story of survival, rebellion, and the human spirit.

Theseus and the Minotaur

The central premise of “The Hunger Games” mirrors the Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, in which young Athenians are sent as tributes to be devoured by the fearsome beast. Similarly, the tributes in Collins’ novel are forced to fight to the death in a brutal spectacle to appease the ruling Capitol.

Panem and the Roman Empire

Collins also borrows elements from Roman mythology and history, naming her fictional nation “Panem” after the Latin phrase “panem et circenses” (bread and circuses), which refers to the distractions used by the Roman Empire to control its populace. This parallel highlights the dark underbelly of power and the potential for history to repeat itself.

6. The Chronicles of Narnia

C.S. Lewis’ beloved “The Chronicles of Narnia” series blends Christian allegory with elements of classical mythology and British folklore, creating a fantastical world that appeals to readers of all ages.

Christian Allegory

At its core, “The Chronicles of Narnia” is a Christian allegory, with the lion Aslan representing Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for humanity. This spiritual dimension adds depth and meaning to the story, making it an enduring classic.

Fantasy and Mythology

Lewis also incorporates elements of Greek and Roman mythology, as well as British folklore, to create the magical world of Narnia. From centaurs and fauns to giants and talking animals, Narnia is a rich tapestry of myth and imagination that continues to enchant readers.

7. His Dark Materials

Philip Pullman’s “His Dark Materials” trilogy draws on Gnostic and Miltonic influences to create a complex and thought-provoking story that challenges traditional religious narratives.

Gnostic and Miltonic Influences

Pullman’s trilogy takes inspiration from John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” and Gnostic beliefs, which present a different perspective on the nature of divinity and the cosmos. The series explores themes of knowledge, free will, and the nature of good and evil, offering a reinterpretation of the biblical fall of man.

Challenging Religion and Authority

“His Dark Materials” boldly challenges traditional religious authority and dogma, inviting readers to question established beliefs and consider alternative viewpoints. This thought-provoking aspect of the story resonates with readers, encouraging them to engage with complex and challenging ideas.

From ancient myths to modern retellings, mythology has left an indelible mark on the world of literature. These seven examples demonstrate how authors have masterfully woven elements of mythology into their stories, creating unforgettable works that engage readers on a deeply emotional level. As we continue to explore the mysteries of the human experience, mythology will undoubtedly remain a powerful source of inspiration for generations to come.


  1. Why is mythology still relevant in modern literature? Mythology continues to be relevant in modern literature because it explores universal themes and human experiences that resonate with readers, regardless of their cultural background or the era in which they live.
  2. How do authors incorporate mythology into their stories? Authors can incorporate mythology into their stories in various ways, such as by adapting existing myths, using mythological creatures and characters, or drawing on mythic themes and narrative structures.
  3. Can modern literature inspire a renewed interest in mythology? Yes, modern literature that incorporates mythology can spark a renewed interest in these ancient stories, especially when authors present them in fresh and engaging ways that resonate with contemporary readers.
  4. Are there any common themes found in both mythology and modern literature? Some common themes found in both mythology and modern literature include heroism, the journey of self-discovery, the struggle between good and evil, and the exploration of the human experience.
  5. How can mythology enhance the emotional impact of a story? Mythology can enhance the emotional impact of a story by connecting readers to universal themes and experiences that transcend time and culture, fostering a deeper emotional connection with the characters and their journeys.

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